Friday, November 13, 2009

Positive news for a change, and it is exciting! A solution for 2012!

Today is the day to see the movie, and maybe later we can interact about all type of topic's, like, life, death, pain, pleasure, good, bad, balanced, learning, and anything that you are into.

Just watch the movie, and if you keep thinking about the movie, then let me know, because your internal thoughts are worried, and worry they should, because everything happens for a reason, and when the Government, informs you not to worry, then.... you decide!

I do offer a positive option, if you are not into reality drama,

Tim Brewer, your free afterlife communication planner, just in case your option don't work.

Everything I offer is public domain, and free!

there is a positive, for every negative, but you have to be on the right wall!

Tim Brewer, offerer's the best wall!

twitter, face book, google!

Think about this for a moment.


Everything to do with my option, is in the math, of anything that you are into.


I did not stutter!


You will not hear music out of these words, unless you want to hear music in your thoughts, or in the room you are in.

I can include music, as I can include afterlife orbs!

By using Tim Brewer game theory,the Orb is saved!

In a worst case scenario, you have to go to the last parts. per what ever!, and my measurements take me to afterlife orbs, the same place where you should find your God, any religion, and so much more, but I have to get some sleep!

Busy day tomorrow!

What about you?

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